Saturday, March 11, 2017


To qualify for a given level of multi-system examination, the following content and documentation requirements should be met:

Problem Focused Examination – should include performance and documentation of one to five elements identified by a bullet (•) in one or more organ system(s) or body area(s). 

Expanded Problem Focused Examination – should include performance and documentation of at least six elements identified by a bullet (•) in one or more organ system(s) or body area(s). 

Detailed Examination – should include at least six organ systems or body areas. For each system/area selected, performance and documentation of at least two elements identified by a bullet (•) is expected. Alternatively, a detailed examination may include performance and documentation of at least twelve elements identified by a bullet (•) in two or more organ systems or body areas. 

Comprehensive Examination – should include at least nine organ systems or body areas. For each system/area selected, all elements of the examination identified by a bullet (•) should be performed, unless specific directions limit the content of the examination. For each area/system, documentation of at least two elements identified by a bullet is expected. 


 To qualify for a given level of single organ system examination, the following content and documentation requirements should be met:

Problem Focused Examination – should include performance and documentation of one to five elements identified by a bullet (•), whether in a box with a shaded or unshaded border. 

Expanded Problem Focused Examination – should include performance and documentation of at least six elements identified by a bullet (•), whether in a box with a shaded or unshaded border. 

Detailed Examination – examinations other than the eye and psychiatric examinations should include performance and documentation of at least twelve elements identified by a bullet (•), whether in a box with a shaded or unshaded border. 

  • Eye and psychiatric examinations should include the performance and documentation of at least nine elements identified by a bullet (•), whether in a box with a shaded or unshaded border. 
Comprehensive Examination – should include performance of all elements identified by a bullet (•), whether in a shaded or unshaded box. Documentation of every element in each box with a shaded border and at least one element in a box with an unshaded border is expected. 

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